A belga Apart Audio vállalatot felvásárolta a Biamp, így a korábban megszokott Apart Audio termék a Biamp Commercial Audio, Commercial Hangszórók, illetve a Desono termékcsaládokban találhatóak meg.
A Commercial Audio termékcsalád főbb jellemzői:
- Professional grade electronics in consumer-friendly products designed for business owners and their employees
- Installer-friendly features to speed up installation time
- Complete system solutions for background music and paging available
- Deep catalog offerings allow you to design a system to your specifications
- Consistent layouts of user interfaces and rear panels for enhanced usability

Serving a variety of markets and venues, our commercial audio products create immersive experiences in the places people gather. Our wide array of electronics, coupled with our expansive loudspeaker offerings, offer robust end-to-end audio solutions for scenarios of all sizes and scope, making every guest’s visit memorable and enjoyable.
A Commercial Audio termékcsalád elemei:
Commercial Audio Mixing Amplifiers:
Commercial Audio Preamplifiers:
Commercial Audio Power Amplifiers:
Commercial Audio Matrix Systems:
Commercial Audio Microphones:
Commercial Audio Music Sources: